Ethics in Philanthropy - A Panel Discussion

Led by Erin Osborn (pictured left, right), Director, Prospect Research, Children’s Hospital Colorado Foundation;
Amy Stewart, (pictured middle, right) ILD '12, Senior Director, Philanthropic Development, Children’s Hospital Colorado Foundation; 
Lindsey Hersey, (pictured right, bottom), Human Resources Director, Dumb Friends League
Key Takeaways 
- It's
important to have conversations about ethics regularly and to update
your policies to ensure that they are legally compliant, but also in
keeping with your mission and values.
- You
will sometimes be put in a position where you are educating a donor,
boss, or community member. Talk about the likelihood of this situation
ahead of time so that you are prepared. Having strong policies and great
resources at the ready will be helpful.
- The key ethical concern in DEI data collection is that it must be self-identified/self-disclosed.